CAMELEON’s European and Philippian branches reunited in Paris September 21 to officially launch the association’s International Committee. The representatives of CAMELEON France and their affiliate offices: CAMELEON Philippines, CAMELEON Suisse and CAMELEON Luxembourg gathered to discuss the association’s international development strategy as well as new projects to implement in the Philippines.
From now on, the International Committee will be directed by Ivana Tosic, with Dietrich Berstecher as second in command (both are members of the Board of Trustees of CAMELEON France). Each affiliate office must elect a representative. This initial meeting served as an opportunity to put in place the primary objectives of the International Committee:
[icon_list] [icon_list_item type= »check »]Discuss CAMELEON’s strategic plan for international development.[/icon_list_item][/icon_list]
[icon_list] [icon_list_item type= »check »]Discuss the coordination of on-site operational development, carried out directly or supported indirectly by the association, as well as strategies for raising the necessary funds to carry out these actions.[/icon_list_item][/icon_list]
[icon_list] [icon_list_item type= »check »]Introduce CAMELEON France’s full-time staff, to whom each affiliate branch presented their action plans.[/icon_list_item][/icon_list]
It was a day rich in the exchange of ideas and creative strategies that promised a bright future for the association! Thank you to all who participated in the Paris summit.
- 1ère réunion avec Ivana Tosic, Philippe Bertrand, Jose Cochingyan et Laurence Ligier
- Membres du Comité international de CAMELEON. De gauche à droite, Géraldine Ortega (Suisse), Dietrich Berstecher (France), Jose Cochingyan (Philippines), François Prum (Luxembourg), Jean-Pierre Jolivot (France)
- 2ème réunion de travail pour l’inauguration du Comité international
- Rencontre avec l’équipes de salariées de Cameleon France
- Présentation des plans d’action
- La mascotte de CAMELEON à l’honneur