Cybercriminality- Pedagogical ressources
Internet is a great playing field for children which allows to have fun, to learn, to explore the world through their screen.
Several risks exist to which they can be exposed if they face to chocking contents or malicious people.
It is very important as parents to accompagny them in their numerial uses for a safer and more adequated use of the Internet at their age.
Below this is a selection of educational ressources to strenghten your acknowledges in order to have an approach of the subject with your children and to better protect them.
Educational clips from CAMELEON
Risks linked to the Internet and social media
CCAMELEON designed a video clip that aims to promote good numerical practices at home and to inform about children types of violences online, in particular the “grooming” and the online child abuse.
Les risques liés à Internet et aux réseaux sociaux
CAMELEON a conçu un clip visant à promouvoir des bonnes pratiques numériques en famille et informer sur les différents types de violences en ligne, notamment le « grooming » et la cyberpédocriminalité.
Je protegemonenfant is a governmental platform for helping parents to use screens and protecting from exposure to porno at the young people.
The platform suggests tools, quizz, advices and practical ressources in order to better inform parents to show and to protect their children on the Internet.
E-enfance manages the national phone number 3018 against online violences, suggests plenty of ressources, advices and practical information destined for young and their parents.
To know more about social media, please upload guides Instagram and Tiktok for parents uses. Instagram et Tik Tok à l’usage des parents
Pédagojeux supports the parents and the professionals to encourage a peaceful practice of videogame in family. Practical files decrypte plenty of titles of videogames by providing indication of ages according to the signaletic of PEGI and to create new avenues for dialogne among parents.
Internetsanscrainte suggests ressources, ludic course and practical tips to show to the 6-to-18 year old people, their parents and teachers in their online life and the use of screens.
FamiNum is a tool that allows to design customized numeric charts with parents to support discussions and to calm conflicts about uses and screen times..
Applications against violence
Bodyguard is a free mobile app that prevents cyberstalking, hates speeches, toxic contents of social media with system of automatic filter.
In addition of phone number, 3018 is also an app to help children and young victims of onlinr stalking. The phone number allows particularly an instant first contact with a listener of 3018, the storage of evidences of cyberstalking in the form of a numeric and a secure safe, a support to lodge a complaint if need be.
Guides and leaflets
« Guide de la famille Tout-Ecran » réalisé par le CLEMI (Centre pour l’éducation aux médias et à l’information).
Guide de l’UNAF (Union nationale des associations familiales).
Educational materials for children and youth
Poster and comics
- The poster of the 10 advices of the CNIL (Commission nationale informatique & libertés)
- Comics of the association Point de Contact on the digital risks of a sexual nature:
- le « sexting »,
- la « sextorsion »,
- le « grooming ».