The situation is alarming: between 60,000 and 100,000 minors are trapped in sexual exploitation in the Philippines. This includes prostitution, sex tourism, videos of child rape, sometimes ordered live, (called “livestreaming”) and other activities implying sexual...
Today we celebrate the World Day for Social Justice, to promote equality, solidarity and inclusion in a context where many social challenges still need to be addressed. Social justice is, according to the United Nations, “based on equal rights for all people and the...
Last june, Patricia DELON, member of the french board of directors, became the new President of CAMELEON Association France. Her expertise help us to think our strategy, with an innovative vision, to develop our actions in France. Read her interview below. Can you...
HERE IS SOME ADVICE 1 / How to best have a command on your children’s screens timeframe and space use Set rules appending your child’s or children’s age to manage the time they spend on their screens (tablet, smartphone, videogames, TV etc.) If and when possible do...
While 13 is the minimal legal age to register on social media, a third of primary children and half 11-year-old children use it. (Sources: ‘Les pratiques numériques des jeunes de 11 à 18 ans’, 2021 and ‘Born social’, 2021 of digital Generation ; ‘Étude sur le...
Our children are “digital natives”, an ultra-connected generation, and most of them are able to use touch screens at the same time as they learn to speak! For teenagers and pre-teens in the process of building their identity, the Internet and social networks are a...
They have been supporting the association for many years. They are a volunteer but also a sponsor and part of the CAMELEON family. Discover Céline Gazel’s commitment! Introduce yourself and tell us how you knew CAMELEON? My name is Céline. I grew up in Haute-Savoie...
Hello Patricia and welcome to the team! Can you tell us about your background? I am Venezuelan, in France since 2014. I studied Political Science in Venezuela with additional training in Human Resources Management and Corporate Social Responsibility and, subsequently,...
Activities of our young girls Since September 13, the young beneficiaries of our centers have returned to school, ready to face a new school year with us, despite the difficulties linked to the health crisis, which persist in the Philippines. Our local teams are...
As part of our partnership with SNCF Réseau, we have interviewed several of our team members about their commitment with, and for CAMELEON. Learn today about Socheata’s career path. Why have you decided to join the association? I joined CAMELEON when I was looking for...
Training for the young beneficiaries Several training sessions and seminars have marked October’s month. CAMELEON provides a global care so that the young beneficiaries become young independent and autonomous women. The young ladies from the Protection & Healing...
Spotlight on those who give of their time and share their skills to act for the protection of children! Discover the commitment of Jocelyne, a volunteer at CAMELEON France. Introduce yourself and tell us how you knew CAMELEON? I have lived in Suresnes for more than 50...
The health situation remains very worrying in the Philippines, forcing girls to stay in the centers. Moreover, the staff of CAMELEON remained very active throughout the summer, supporting the girls. Many activities were offered to young beneficiaries and parents from...
The bill focuses on the protection of children in France. In France, more than 300,000 children are under the care of the “Aide Sociale à l’Enfance” (ASE). To improve their daily life and the respect of their fundamental rights, a legislative proposal “on...
Paris hosted the Generation Equality Forum from June 30 to July 2, the second phase of the global gathering for equality between women and men, under the aegis of UN Women and co-chaired by France and Mexico. The largest UN convention on gender equality since...
Activities for young beneficiaries The supervisory teams pushed back the boundaries of their imagination to provide the young beneficiaries with activities that contribute to their reconstruction. Leisured activities are manual, artistic and involve sports, and they...
This year, thanks to our Education & Development program, 10 young people have completed their university studies. We are proud to count among our former beneficiaries a midwife, three civil engineers, a schoolteacher, a farmer, and an environmental manager. In...
This multi-stakeholder system has been set up within Academies of several regions to make children and young people aware of the world around them, of inequalities and of international solidarity. The objective is to encourage their civic engagement to build a more...