CAMELEON Philippines


CAMELEON Association Inc. is a non stock non profit corporation registered by SEC since 1997.

CAMELEON is licensed and accredited by DSWD. And as a PCNC-Accredited Donee Institution, donations to CAMELEON Association Inc. are fully deductible for tax purposes and exempted from the donor’s tax. For all donations, CAMELEON issues an Official Receipt and a Donor Certificate duly received by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).  


Banco De Oro (BDO)
Passi City Branch, Iloilo 5037
N° 008240043459

Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)
E Lopez Branch, Jaro
Iloilo City, Iloilo 5000
N° 001333-3095-44


Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)
Lolita Building, Gen. Luna Street
Iloilo City, Iloilo 5000
N° 002894-0009-13

Each donation you make goes a long way. Every gift you give makes a difference.

It means food, shelter, health care and legal aid for girl survivors of sexual abuse, education to nourish and develop their young minds, and most importantly, it means necessary interventions to heal them from their trauma. By helping a child and his/her family, you also help them become actors of change in their communities. 


Help a child go to school and contribute in the continuation of our programs by becoming one of our sponsors.

Fill-in the sponsorship application form

The Sponsorship in-charge will call you: to provide more information and listen to your expectations

Set-up a scheme of your financial transactions

Get to know with your sponsered child: receive their presentation file with pictures

Your sponsorhsip adventure begins: write your first letter


1 in 5
children below 18
or 19%
have experienced sexual violence
during their upbringing.

The highest occurrences of sexual violence take place within homes and communities, with family members or close relatives commonly identified as the perpetrators for victims aged 13 to under 18. Alarming figures can be attributed to socio-economic, political, and cultural factors. Poverty, gaps in government services, the increasing incidence of sexual exploitation of women and children, particularly through sex tourism and cybercrime, as well as the cultural taboo surrounding incest in a misogynistic society, contribute to a culture of silence and stigmatization of victims.The pandemic and frequent encounters with disasters exacerbate unsafe conditions. Lockdowns have confined many young girls in close proximity to male abusers.

UNICEF ranks the Philippines as the world’s number one country in online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC), with reported cases of OSEC increasing by 280% in 2022. The country’s visa-free policy, widespread use of technology, and exacerbated poverty amidst the pandemic are the three primary drivers behind the continued rise of OSEC in the Philippines


Our vision

CAMELEON aspires to a world without sexual violence. In a world where sexual violence is insidious, common, considered taboo and rarely punished, encouraged by a culture of silence due to ignorance, fear, shame or denial, it is necessary to act.

Our mission

CAMELEON develops a holistic approach to act on the causes and effects of sexual violence towards children and teenagers.

  • Protecting and supporting victims of sexual violence in the Philippines by accompanying them with their families on the path to resilience.
  • Encouraging our beneficiaries’ autonomy and the socio-economic development of families in their communities.
  • Training and accompanying beneficiaries and encourage them to get involved as spokespersons and active supporters of CAMELEON.
  • Raising awareness among the general public, especially young people in the Philippines and in Europe, in order to promote children’s rights and free the voices from sexual violence.
  • Advocating for children’s rights, against sexual violence, and online sexual abuse of children to local, national and international institutions and the media.

    Our programs

    CAMELEON’s programs are founded on three major components: healing, building and preventing. Working together, these programs serve as catalysts for CAMELEON to continuously realize its vision of a world without sexual violence.

    Contact : 

    Shaline GAMALA

    Celfon: 0907 811 23 36 – Tel (033) 329 23 09

    Our story

    LAURENCE LIGIER was only 25 years old when she saw an enormous need to help girl survivors of sexual abuse in the Philippines. After years of travelling and volunteering in the country since she was 20, she left her family and friends in France to found a non-government organization in Iloilo (Western Visayas Region) in 1997, which she named as CAMELEON Association Inc.

    Quickly, her initiative grew and became an important actor in the Philippines. A few years after its foundation, CAMELEON Association Inc. was accredited by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in the country; opened two shelters for girl survivors of sexual abuse, organized several events gathering communities and developed the administrative core of the Association by opening branches and partnerships in France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Andorra, United States and Belgium.    

    In 2019, CAMELEON celebrated the official inauguration ceremony of the third center in Silay City, Negros Occidental together with its committed local and international partners. A milestone for Laurence and her team, as it emphasized the importance of their actions and the seriousness of their work. In 2022, CAMELEON celebrated its 25th anniversary. 

    Our promise

    “Changing Colors, Changing Lives” 

    From a hostile environment to a warm and safe life, children change over the years. Like our multi-colored CAMELEON, they move slowly but surely, hesitating, sometimes tumbling but never falling. 

    We are building safe structures dedicated to survivors, helping them overcome their trauma and making it into a force for their rehabilitation. We offer a necessary cocoon to prepare their metamorphosis. 

    We aim to change minds and behaviors and are working to change societies and mentalities in order to protect childhood. 

    Children are at the heart of our action: changes are made by them, for them and around them. 

    Our status

    CAMELEON Association Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit corporation duly registered on September 16, 1997 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under number E19970078., with TIN number 005-277-133-000. The association is licensed and accredited by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) under number DSWD-FO VI R-00044-2020 for the Rehabilitation, the Post-Residential and the Community Development programs. 

    CAMELEON Association Inc. was recognized as a non-profit association by the Philippine Council for NGO Certification in March 2013 and the accreditation was renewed on April 26, 2023 and is valid for 5 years. As a result, the association issues a tax receipt to each contributor supporting its actions. 

    The association complies with national laws and regulations in force related to children. It includes the PD 603, or Child and Youth Welfare Code, such as amended; the Republic Act 7610 or the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act; as well as the Convention on the Right of the Child (CRC), 1989, by the UN Assembly and ratified by the Filipino Government on September 2, 1990. 


    Collaborating with Change makers  

    CAMELEON is a member of Child Rights Network (CRN) that pushes for legislations at the House of Representatives and Senate of the Philippines as well as the Civil Society Coalition on the Convention on the Rights of the Child that regularly submits reports on the Situation of Children to the United Nations. CAMELEON has contributed to CRN’s key messages in the national campaign on Increasing the Age to Determine Statutory Rape (from 12 to 16 yo). CAMELEON shared to its partners in the Western Visayas the advocacy campaign of CRN. CAMELEON was chosen as the CRN Regional Coordinator for the Visayas. 

    CAMELEON works with the provincial and city local governments in Western Visayas on child protection campaigns and activities. It has encouraged commitments from local government units (LGU) to give financial support to their resident girls under rehabilitation. 

    Implementing impact

    CAMELEON’s Executive Director is the Co-Chair of the Regional Development Council / NEDA’s Social Development Committee (SDC). The RDC is the highest policy making body in the region and the primary institution that sets forward development directions across the different sectors.  

    CAMELEON also became a Vice Chair of the Area Based Standards Networks-Panay Cluster and Region 6 (ABSNET), an Advisory Council of the Iloilo Province Police Office, Chair of CODE NGOs in Iloilo Province, member of the Provincial Development Council of Iloilo, as well as a member of the Iloilo City Council for the Protection of Children, the Iloilo Provincial Council for the Protection of Children (IPCPC), the Iloilo Children’s Welfare Foundation (ICWF), Bata Muna Network, and the UGSAD Regional Gender Resource Center based in UP Visayas (UPV). 

    CAMELEON’s presence in these networks carries a strategic advantage. It can provide empirical evidence and practical inputs in policy advocacy and lobby at the national level to reform existing policies, craft new ones or strengthen the mechanisms for policy enforcement. 


    Our management

    The management is ensured through an Executive Board and a local permanent team which is looking after over 500 children, by providing them safety, care and education. 

    The mission of the 65 employees based on Panay Island (Iloilo – Passi) and Negros Isalnd (Silay) is to facilitate the personal reconstruction and the reintegration into the society of the young girls and to ensure that the activities and the programs run smoothly for all the beneficiaries. The Management particularly ensures the professionalization of the Filipino team for the implementation, the follow-up and the evaluation of the projects.To ensure the quality of the supervision and the support to the beneficiaries, the Management targets the accountability and the loyalty of the team and relies on the continuous professional training. 

    Our Board of Trustees is composed of Filipino and foreign nationals who continue to be passionate for the cause and mission of CAMELEON. Through their expertise, they ensure that the association operates effectively and efficiently to deliver the best care for our beneficiaries.

    Our team

    Our Board of Trustees is composed of Filipino and foreign nationals who continue to be passionate for the cause and mission of CAMELEON. Through their expertise, they ensure that the association operates effectively and efficiently to deliver the best care for our beneficiaries.



    • Jose Cochingyan III: President
    • Bernard Poplimont – Vice President
    • Pauline Alfuente – Treasurer
    • Christopher Montaño: Corporate Secretary
    • Ida M. Siason – Auditor
    • Laurence Ligier
    • Daniel Johannot
    • Sandra Cacho
    • Armita Rufino
    • Marie Jeanne Javelosa
    • Riza Dela Rama
    • Christina S. Reyes – Assistant Corporate Secretary

      The voluntary team

      Each year, more than 35 foreign volunteers and 50 Filipino volunteers join and support our team. They have multiple profiles : students in engineering, psychologists, nurses, artists and circus teachers, IT, Community development workers etc… 

      The Volunteer’s House was built for the only purpose of receiving and housing them in the CAMELEON complex, near the Center. 


      Share your skills, expertise, and time for a good cause. Our volunteers accomplish their missions with a sense of purpose and fulfillment, fully knowing that they not only contribute to the manpower of our association but are also instrumental in creating opportunities for vulnerable children to better their lives. 



      Shaline GAMALA
      Mobile Number: 0907-811-2336

      CAMELEON Association Inc.
      Brgy. Sablogon 5037 Passi City (Iloilo), Philippines
      Passi Office: (00 63 33) 311 5575
      Iloilo Office: (00 63 33) 329 2309
      Executive Director: Cornelia Udani