News from Richie

News from Richie

Richie, former beneficiary of the Community Development Program and CAMELEON Child Ambassador, came to France in October since he committed to a year-long civic service within the Apprentis d’Auteuil foundation in Lisieux. Right after landing, he came visit us in...
Victoria, on-field volunteer!

Victoria, on-field volunteer!

Victoria has been an on-field volunteer for a month and tells us about her mission. “I always wanted to volunteer abroad, in a local organization. My “personal schedule” allowed me to do so when I ended nursing school, so I looked for organizations based in Asia. I...


Céline is the creator of COUTURE4CAMELEON (Sew4Cameleon). What is COUTURE4CAMELEON you might ask? It’s a brand that features on bags, purses fashion accessories and decorative fabrics. All of which is original, handmade and whose profits help support CAMELEON....