Our areas of actions

Our areas of actions

Defense of Children’s Rights

CAMELEON denounces attacks on the rights of children and their dignity. The association’s mission is also to bring the attention of the general public, the media and public authorities to the different forms of abuse of which children can be victims.

CAMELEON is a member of Voix de l’Enfant, COFRADE, Collectif pour l’Enfance and ECLAG in France, and CRN in the Philippines.

Awareness and prevention in schools

In the Phillippines, intervention of the Young Ambassadors for Children’s Rights (“Voice of Chameleon’s Children” VCC), in schools and public places in order to raise awareness among the local population about Children’s rights.
In France, implementation of educational games and workshops to raise awareness of the rights and duties of the Child as well as International Solidarity among students from primary to high school and for supervisors. It is essential for young people to know their rights so that they can protect themselves and other children.


Fundamental right, education allows children to protect themselves against poverty and exploitation of all types. School sponsorship set up by CAMELEON helps finance the education and professional training of

hundreds of children and young people each year until their professional integration.


CAMELEON has made health a priority area of ​​action. The association provides quality medical monitoring to all children who follow its programs. She also supports families and populations in surrounding villages by educating them in basic hygiene and prevention rules. Young Health Ambassadors (“CAMELEON Youth Health Advocates” CYHA) organize workshops and interventions in schools to raise awareness among young people about sexually transmitted diseases, early pregnancies,…

Therapeutic and recreational activities

Sports and artistic activities are an integral part of the educational and personal reconstruction project of the children and young people followed by CAMELEON. They are therapeutic, because they are rewarding and allow children to flourish, find well-being, have fun and build a positive image. The circus is very present in the “Rehabilitation” program intended for girls victims of sexual violence.

Economical Development

CAMELEON helps disadvantaged families to train for new professions and develop income-generating activities to enable them to be independent and take charge of their children’s education. The association has implemented training for leaders within communities and created 3 CAMELEON cooperatives.


The response to emergencies (natural disasters, hospitalization, death, fire, etc.) is an integral part of CAMELEON’s action for the protection of children and the local development of communities. However, it must remain exceptional.

Strengthening civil society

In all its projects, CAMELEON develops a partnership approach, in particular with stakeholders (families, local communities, NGOs, etc.) and local partners (authorities, institutions, etc.). The association forms and strengthens its local partnerships to ensure the sustainability of actions.