Filipino handicraft sale in Chalon-sur-Saône

Filipino handicraft sale in Chalon-sur-Saône

From December 17th to the 24th, 2018, a Filipino handicraft sale in favor of CAMELEON took place at the Galerie du Châtelet in Chalon-sur-Saône. Around ten volunteers such as Marguerite Chevat and Catherine Renard, members of the Administration Council, donated their...

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Deduction at source: nothing changes for your donations!

Deduction at source: nothing changes for your donations!

Do not worry, le prélèvement à la source does not change your rights to a tax reduction! CAMELEON is an organization established under the French act of 1901, recognized for its charity and assistance. For this reason, if you give us a donation, within the 20% limit...

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Private Viewing- “Frontières” Exhibition

Private Viewing- “Frontières” Exhibition

From December 10th, 2018 to February 28th, 2019, the exhibition "FRONTIERES" (“BORDERS”) by photographer Pedro Lombardi will be held at Hôtel & Spa La Belle Juliette as well as 4 other hotels of the Hôtels Paris Rive Gauche association: Hôtel Baume, Hôtel Les...

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Christmas Market at the European Council in Strasbourg

Christmas Market at the European Council in Strasbourg

Gaelle, Estelle, Mirjam, and Maëlle participated in the European Council’s Christmas Market in support of CAMELEON. From November 27, 2018, to December 8, 2018, They obtained and ran a Filipino handicraft stand at the European Council and raised 865€, 209€ of which...

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Eastern Dance Gala- Dance4Children

Eastern Dance Gala- Dance4Children

Coralie, an invested  Belgian who is both a sponsor a volunteer, has yet again outdone herself for CAMELEON! On November 24, 2018, at the Jacques Franck cultural center in Brussels, she and her friends Lou, Rosa, Tamy, Cindy, Laurie, Audrey and many others, organized...

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The CAMELEON On-Site Volunteers, from July to September 2018

The CAMELEON On-Site Volunteers, from July to September 2018

Julien  Julien, sponsor and loyal supporter of the association has already been to the Philippines multiple times to carry out volunteer activities not only as a nurse, but also to meet his benefactee and participate in the 20th anniversary of CAMELEON Philippines....

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Fabien’s Testimony, CAMELEON Volunteer

Fabien’s Testimony, CAMELEON Volunteer

Very active, Fabien comes mainly to help with the computer maintenance. Here is his testimony: “I’ve been a volunteer for CAMELEON since September 2008, 10 years now! It was the volunteer week, I had heard of it via Firefox that did the promotion. I had some free time...

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Benjamin and Lucie CAMELEON Volunteers -Testimony

Benjamin and Lucie CAMELEON Volunteers -Testimony

Benjamin and Lucie went to the Philippines for 3 weeks at the Passi center as on-site volunteers. Lucie tells us their story: “We had decided to consecrate a part of our summer 2018 to a travel project a little different than the standard tourism. We wanted to take...

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