New foster house in Negros island – Report on pending works

New foster house in Negros island – Report on pending works

The works to build Cameleon’s third center on Negros island are in progress. They were kicked off in March 2018 and will last until March 2019. This new foster house will allow Cameleon to welcome 40 additional girls aged from 5 to 23, victims of sexual violence, who...

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Céline is the creator of COUTURE4CAMELEON (Sew4Cameleon). What is COUTURE4CAMELEON you might ask? It's a brand that features on bags, purses fashion accessories and decorative fabrics. All of which is original, handmade and whose profits help support CAMELEON. Céline...

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Sponsor a child from Asia with CAMELEON

Sponsor a child from Asia with CAMELEON

CAMELEON is an international solidarity association with the goal of helping sexually abused and disadvantaged children. Would you like to support a child born in a country where 47,5% of the population live with less than 1,12$/day? Then become a sponsor with...

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Aline’s Testimony, sponsor and volunteer

Aline’s Testimony, sponsor and volunteer

Aline, sponsor of a little girl and journalist by profession, went to the Philippines for 2 months in the beginning of 2018. She tells us :  "I wanted to volunteer since childhood. Retiring at age 62, I had been thinking for a year or two about NGOs, not yet knowing...

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Erwan’s Testimony

Erwan’s Testimony

"Je cherchais un moyen de participer à la vie quotidienne d’une association lors de l’été 2016. En parcourant les diverses annonces, celle de Caméléon a tout de suite attiré mon attention. En effet, étant alors étudiant en Master de Traduction, il s’agissait pour moi...

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Volunteer France and sponsor : Marie-Paule’s testimony

Volunteer France and sponsor : Marie-Paule’s testimony

My crush for Philippines goes back to 35 years. At the time during a trip to different islands, I had seen how people were smiling and welcoming and yet so poor. Then three years ago, Catherine a friend and sponsor of a girl, told me about CAMELEON. The visit of the...

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Volunteers of CAMELEON in France, from april to june 2018

Volunteers of CAMELEON in France, from april to june 2018

Communication & Events This year, many volunteers participated in the Heroes Race for CAMELEON. A beautiful sporty day and friendly! Thanks to the team of Paris runners and their supporters : Richard & Hélène, Dennis, Cécile, Christèle, Florence, Thomas...

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Volunteers of CAMELEON on the field, from april to june 2018

Volunteers of CAMELEON on the field, from april to june 2018

Colette Colette is doing a 3 and a half months mission on the field, in support to the young Ambassadors of Chidren's rights for the Prevention and Advocacy program. She has been able to carry sensitization workshop in the villages, and also to do the animation for...

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