Our specific characteristics

Our specific characteristics

The circus, very important activity at CAMELEON


Sports and physical activities are systematically integrated into the educational and personal reconstruction project of the children and young people followed by CAMELEON. These are practices considered therapeutic because they are rewarding and allow children to flourish, find well-being, have fun and build a positive image. The circus is very present in the “Rehabilitation” program intended for girls victims of sexual violence.

Volunteer circus arts professionals come from France each year as part of the partnership with the National School of Circus Arts of Rosny-sous-Bois (ENACR). They form a group of trainers among the most competent and motivated young girls. It is they, then, who supervise the circus sessions throughout the rest of the year.

Training and skills development workshops are also offered (rugby, basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, dance and Taekwondo in particular). Leisure activities are regularly organized in parallel: outdoor games, outings, summer camp, dance and music workshops. These promote the learning of positive values, personal development and solidarity between children.

Sports and artistic activities are also offered to children benefiting from the Education & Development and Prevention & Advocacy programs. Each year, 300 sponsored children from neighboring communities have access to a great opportunity to develop their team and creative spirit and to maintain a healthy relationship with their body.a

Chiffres-clés 2023







10 000



“Doing sport is a way for me to become more emotionally resilient: I learned discipline, patience and self-esteem. Playing a sport requires a lot of perseverance and training to achieve your goals. It has become my favorite pastime and allows me to express my anger and disappointments. »

– Marian, member of “Cirquera de CAMELEON” 

Our added value

A recognized action

A 26-year field action recognized and legitimized by the public authorities.

An association on a human scale which promotes local exchanges and relationships between people.

A geographical anchor: the “100% Filipino” local team works in concert with the communities where it operates.

The teams support each child over time until they obtain a higher education diploma while preparing them for their future adult life.

The association supports families in becoming aware of their role as parents and promotes the maintenance of family ties.

Practice of circus arts, hitherto unknown in the Philippines, as an innovative therapeutic tool for reappropriation of the body in the service of victims.

The energy and determination of the Founder are transmitted to the teams, children and parents who take ownership of the project and little by little take over the action with audacity, passion and pride.

The association trains and supports beneficiaries, children and adults, who become CAMELEON ambassadors. The virtuous circle is born!

Individual sponsorship: under its control, the association favors links and exchanges between children and their sponsors.

Raising awareness in schools through unique educational tools used in workshops dedicated to Children’s Rights and International Solidarity.

Based in Europe and the Philippines, the association draws on North/South interculturality and promotes the exchange of expertise and good practices.

Prizes received by the CAMELEON association

  • Prize from the French Ministry of Sports, Youth, Popular Education and Community Life
  • Air France Foundation Prize
  • Prize for International Solidarity through Sport from the Agency for Education through Sport

Awards received by Laurence Ligier, Founder & Director of CAMELEON

  • Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honor
  • Knight of the National Order of Merit
  • French Presidential Prize for Civics and Dedication to the Community
  • Philippine Presidency Award
  • Clarins Woman of Heart Award
  • Audacity Trophy from Le Progrès de Lyon magazine
  • People Asia Magazine’s “Women of Style & Substance” Award