Once again, CAMELEON took part in the Course des Héros (Heroes’ Run). This humanitarian event brings hundreds of organizations and companies together, and thousands of runners to volunteer through the creation of pots entirely donated to the organizations of their...
On May 26th 2019, a significant circus show “A Life-Changing Circus” took place in the Iloilo Center Convention. 27 girls from CAMELEON and 2 international performers took to the stage for some extraordinary performances. As is customary, before each performance, one...
Our annual gazette and donation form were enveloped on May 22nd, 2019 We had scheduled two days dedicated to the enveloping of the mail, but were able to finish in one day only thanks to our volunteers’ great implication. In the end: more than 2000 envelopes ready to...
Christèle has been volunteering for CAMELEON for 5 years. Today, she talks about her experience with us. – How did you hear about CAMELEON? I heard about CAMELEON 5 years ago. I had the opportunity to discover the Philippines while I was on vacation. I loved the...
In all sectors, associations need volunteers. Indeed, their involvement contributes to the day to day work of these organizations. By giving on your working time generously, will contribute to some real beneficial returns on your health, from both physical and mental...
From December 10th, 2018 to February 28th, 2019, the exhibition “FRONTIERES” (“BORDERS”) by photographer Pedro Lombardi will be held at Hôtel & Spa La Belle Juliette as well as 4 other hotels of the Hôtels Paris Rive Gauche association: Hôtel Baume,...
Coralie, an invested Belgian who is both a sponsor a volunteer, has yet again outdone herself for CAMELEON! On November 24, 2018, at the Jacques Franck cultural center in Brussels, she and her friends Lou, Rosa, Tamy, Cindy, Laurie, Audrey and many others, organized...
Very active, Fabien comes mainly to help with the computer maintenance. Here is his testimony: “I’ve been a volunteer for CAMELEON since September 2008, 10 years now! It was the volunteer week, I had heard of it via Firefox that did the promotion. I had some free time...
Céline is the creator of COUTURE4CAMELEON (Sew4Cameleon). What is COUTURE4CAMELEON you might ask? It’s a brand that features on bags, purses fashion accessories and decorative fabrics. All of which is original, handmade and whose profits help support CAMELEON....
My crush for Philippines goes back to 35 years. At the time during a trip to different islands, I had seen how people were smiling and welcoming and yet so poor. Then three years ago, Catherine a friend and sponsor of a girl, told me about CAMELEON. The visit of the...
Communication & Events This year, many volunteers participated in the Heroes Race for CAMELEON. A beautiful sporty day and friendly! Thanks to the team of Paris runners and their supporters : Richard & Hélène, Dennis, Cécile, Christèle, Florence, Thomas...
Coralie, belgian volunteer and sponsor for 12 years, se surpass herself for CAMELEON. Her association with DANCE4CHILDREN, Coralie has organized from A to Z a “BOOTCAMP” for the benefit of CAMELEON. Literally, a “bootcamp” is...