Associative life

Associative life

En Europe, CAMELEON propose des actions bénévoles dynamiques autour de plusieurs thématiques : l’artisanat, sensibilisation aux droits de l’Enfant dans les établissements scolaires, la traduction et la relecture, la communication, photographies, vidéo, recherches documentaires et l’événementiel.
Ces projets permettent de favoriser le travail commun, faire vivre l’association et soutenir ses valeurs. Des missions de bénévolat sont accessibles en fonction des disponibilités, des compétences et des envies de chacun, de façon régulière ou ponctuelle.

CAMELEON – Brochure parrainage

Nos évènements

Témoignages de nos bénévoles

Portrait of volunteers: Céline, committed for 18 years

Portrait of volunteers: Céline, committed for 18 years

 They have been supporting the association for many years. They are a volunteer but also a sponsor and part of the CAMELEON family. Discover Céline Gazel’s commitment! Introduce yourself and tell us how you knew CAMELEON? My name is Céline. I grew up in Haute-Savoie...

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Arnaud reflects on his mission in the Philippines

Arnaud reflects on his mission in the Philippines

“I volunteered for 1 month to share my knowledge and to offer smiles to people who need them.  CAMELEON is an organization with a beautiful purpose. I was easily able to contact the Swiss office to arrange my departure. My mission was to redecorate the walls of...

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“Emotional Freedom Techniques” therapy with Michel

“Emotional Freedom Techniques” therapy with Michel

Michel Labrosse, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) psycho-practitioner, went to the Philippines for a month to train the CAMELEON’s managers and young girls in this practice. EFT is a brief psycho-energetic therapy invented by Gary Greg, an engineer from Stanford,...

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