Communication & Events

This year, many volunteers participated in the Heroes Race for CAMELEON. A beautiful sporty day and friendly!

Thanks to the team of Paris runners and their supporters : Richard & Hélène, Dennis, Cécile, Christèle, Florence, Thomas (Maximus Proximus), Vincent & François from Rotaract Paris quai d’Orsay, Marie-Paule & Floriane, Jocelyne & Michel, Alfie, Léo and their 2 kids, Maëlle & Lucie, and also our photographers of the day Ruhaïna, Jethro and Leslie !

The riders were also present in Lyon this year : we would like to thank Virginie, Annabel, Guy, Stéphanie, Marc, Nathalie, Marion, Coraline, Manon et Alice for their participation in this beautiful challenge!

Special thanks to Corinne, that works on the organization of our photo exhibition FRONTIERES: thanks to her, we are planning an exhibition for the end of 2018 in Paris in several places.
More information to come!

School actions 

Thanks to Hélène who helped us finalize the graphics of the game cards we use in primary school as part of our awareness workshops. We now have new brand new card games that will no doubt appeal to children who will participate in our future workshops !


In order to prepare the Heroes’ Run, we called upon Marie, Isabel, Emy et Mary-Ann to translate a solicitation document into English. Thanks to them !

We would also like to thank Delphine, Marion et Manon who have translated the “success stories” of young beneficiaries of the association.

Thanks to Carole, Lucile, Catherine et Alexandra who have translated letters and reports for godchild’s to sponsors.

Finally, we thank Erwan for his role as coordinator of the translation and proofreading division!


Thank you to Fabien who helped us to diagnose the computer network problems that we had after we move.

We also received support in management control and accounting : thanks to Gilles and Moussa who came to help us punctually, also to Maëlle who stayed 3 weeks at the office of the association to bring his knowledge.

Clara did a 2-month internship at the office. She worked on CAMELEON’s 2017 Activity Report and various partnership-related tasks. A big thank you to her !

Thanks to Mateo, Hannah et Maxime who worked on setting up our online store to sell our Philippine handicrafts and other goodies. The page, already online will soon be operational thanks to their help !

Leslie came to help us during the month of June when she returned from the Philippines where she spent 5 months of communication mission. She helped us sort through the photo library and Philippine handicrafts… Thanks to her for her help !

Finally, we welcomed Nicole to the office for a week for her 4th observation internship. After spending time with the team to learn how the association worked, she helped Leslie sort the handicrafts. Thank you !